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Membership runs from 1 September to 31 August and for the 2024-2025 season costs £65 (£125 for joint members at the same address) for the full year.  Membership of the Society is open to all and we welcome new members at any time of the year with reduced subscription payable for a part-year membership.

Membership includes nine morning meetings each year and the option to book other society functions such as Discovery Days, Special Events, Outside Visits and Escorted UK and Overseas Tours, for which charges are made.
Five Day UK Tour to Shropshire 2019_Ironbridge visit_29-Apr-2019.jpg

Subject to availability, members may bring guests to society functions. At morning meetings a donation of £10 per guest is invited.  For other functions guests are charged the same as members, but members have priority.

All members of the Arts Society Moor Park are registered with The Arts Society, and its Beds & Herts Area, in order for our members to be updated on their activities. Membership entitles our members to receive the quarterly Arts Society Magazine.

The Arts Society was previously known as the National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts - or NADFAS for short.


The Society is a registered charity and reclaims Gift Aid on donations including most membership subscriptions.  Currently we reclaim 25p for every £1 donated under Gift Aid.  If you pay income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equivalent to the tax we reclaim on your subscription (£16.25 per subscription or £31.25 for a joint membership) we would urge you to complete a Gift Aid form (click the link below).  Once completed, this remains in force until you cancel it.  Also, higher rate tax payers are able to claim additional personal relief on their gift aid donations.


Under the General Data Protection Regulation Act 2018 members' details are processed fairly and lawfully and in accordance with the Society's legitimate activities.  Details are disclosed to The Arts Society and to The Arts Society Beds-Herts Area Committee. We want to ensure that you receive the latest news and information about all upcoming events for both organisations.  When relevant we also use your personal data to reclaim Gift Aid from HMRC.  Your details are not passed to any other organisations or individuals except for UK and overseas tours where we are obliged by the rules of The Arts Society to use a third party fully authorised ATOL registered travel agency.

The Society correspondent, registered with the Charity Commission, is David Duncan, the Society's Treasurer.

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