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How we're run .....

The Society is run entirely by volunteers. It's administered on a day-to-day basis by a Chairman and up to ten elected Committee members, who also act as Trustees of the Charity (Registered Charity No. 1111942). In addition, we have co-opted Helpers for specific roles. 


Other members of our Society volunteer their time and skills to support our charitable programmes in Young Arts and Heritage. 

Our Committee

Andrew Egan

David Duncan

Susan Thomas

Monthly Talks
Mary Egan

Discovery Days & Young Arts
Angela Stein

Outside Visits & Heritage Volunteers
Maureen Atkinson

UK Escorted Tours
Lynn Peters

Special Events
Joy Crosbie

Our Helpers

Jan Harding

Minutes Secretary
Brenda Cochrane

Community Engagement
Michelle Thoumine

Marketing & Publicity
Jackie O'Rourke
Frances Pickersgill

Projection Assistant
Sue Mansfield

Hybrid Technology Support
Chris Thoumine


Meet & Greet

Pat Ellis, Lynn Peters

Mary Ash, Kay Day

Anne Bligh


Our Financial Year runs from March to February and the Society's Annual General Meeting is held in June at Winston Churchill Hall, Ruislip, usually beginning at 10.30am. Our June monthly talk follows the AGM.


Members have a chance to ask questions about the Report & Accounts, elect new Trustees to serve on the Committee and, very importantly, raise questions and offer feedback and suggestions on the future of the Society.

The Arts Society

Our National Association is a company limited by guarantee, with charitable status. It is run by a volunteer Board of Trustees, which comprises Trustees elected by the membership supported by additional Trustees co-opted for their skills.


The day-to-day running of the Association is administered by a small paid staff, who work closely with volunteers. Each local Arts Society pays a per-member affiliation fee each year.


Our Speakers

Our chosen speakers are drawn from the Arts Society's Directory of Accredited Lecturers, now numbering over 380 with new names and new subjects being added every year. All are experts in their field.


In addition to accessing the online database of speakers and topics, programme planner 'buyers' from every local Society attend an annual Directory Day, where newly accredited speakers have just two minutes on stage to introduce themselves and their subjects; established ones offering a new topic are allowed one minute. Only the very best survive ..... 

Arts Society Accredited Lecturer Leslie Primo, pictured at Directory Day

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  © 2025 by The Arts Society Moor Park. All rights reserved.

Moor Park Mansion

Rickmansworth Hertfordshire WD3 1QN

  The Arts Society Moor Park is the operating name of Moor Park Decorative & Fine Arts Society

Registered Charity (England & Wales): 1111942

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