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1925 Paris Arts Decoratifs Exhibition and its Influence on Design

3 April 2025 at 09:30:00

Moor Park Mansion, Rickmansworth

Booking closes
27 March 2025
1925 Paris Arts Decoratifs Exhibition and its Influence on Design

Paris Exhibition 1925 Official Poster, detail

Attracting over 15 million visitors from all over the world, the 1925 Paris Arts Décoratifs exhibition marked the culmination of an exciting style - the streamlined elegance of Art Deco - and its transmission to a new generation of artists and designers. The intention was to showcase France, and Paris in particular, as the leader in highest quality luxury goods.

Using contemporary photographs and descriptions of the stunning pavilions and boutiques, this exciting visual tour will reconstruct the wide range of work and media on display, including Baccarat crystal, Cartier jewellery, Poiret couture, Ruhlmann furniture, Dunand lacquer work, Brandt metalwork and the stylish French department store exhibits. The scale of the achievement is all the more extraordinary when remembering that all the structures and exhibits were temporary – for six months only in the heart of Paris – designed without demolishing a single building or tree.

Was there one distinctive style or many? And how did the stylistic influences spread so rapidly? What would it have been like to be there? Historical artefacts from Mary Alexander's personal collection, including the original guidebook, commemorative medal, entrance ticket and postcards, will recreate the excitement of the 1925 visitor (but save you the 55 acres foot slog!).

Our Speaker

Mary Alexander

Mary Alexander

Mary Alexander

Mary Alexander trained as an art historian and graduated with a BA Hons in History & History of Art (University College London) and later an MA (with Distinction) in History of Art (University College London). She moved to Manchester to take up the post of Assistant Curator at Platt Hall, the Gallery of English Costume, a renowned collection of historic dress. Subsequently she lectured in art history at the University of Leeds, the Open University and Manchester University Extra Mural Department. From 1995 - 2008, she was a Visiting Lecturer at Christie’s Education in London.

Mary has also combined academic work with the world of design consultancy. In 1985 she joined Pentagram Design in London, a leading international design consultancy, and coordinated client presentations, publications, conferences and international special events, including the 1986 British Design event in Aspen Colorado. In 1988 she transferred to Pentagram’s New York office with the task of organising an international design conference held at Stanford University involving business, design and education leaders.

As an experienced international speaker, Mary lectures regularly for The Arts Society throughout the UK, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. She also contributes articles to magazines, newspapers and professional journals. She was President of The Arts Society Glaven Valley, Norfolk, from 2016- 2021.

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  © 2025 by The Arts Society Moor Park. All rights reserved.

Moor Park Mansion

Rickmansworth Hertfordshire WD3 1QN

  The Arts Society Moor Park is the operating name of Moor Park Decorative & Fine Arts Society

Registered Charity (England & Wales): 1111942

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